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    Monthly SHRM Meeting

    Date: March 11, 2025, 11:30am
    The Debbie Reed Center for Excellence
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    Please join us in person for our March SHRM Meeting.  Feel free to bring your own lunch. 

    Speaker: Mallory Stumpf Zoia, Ogletree Deakins

    Meeting Topic: 2025 Illionis Employment Law Update - Game Changing Laws for Employers...Are You Ready?

    Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 11th 

    Time: 11:30 to 12:00pm – Networking

                Noon – 1:00pm – Meeting

    Location: The Debbie Reed Center for Excellence | 205 S. 24th St. Quincy, IL. 

    We hope you can make it!

    As an affiliate of the National Society for Human Resource Management, each month, we are privileged to offer a variety of resources to assist area human resource professionals excel in their field.

    Our members enjoy monthly lunch meetings to network with area HR professionals and hear from speakers on various HR-related topics.

    Not a member?  Attend as a guest to learn more!